Liability Disclaimer

Friends' association of the Holy Lawn-Cross in Eisenberg
Postfach 540
6281 Hochdorf
Imprint Explanation

In agreement with the decree of his holiness, Pope Urban VIII and with the ordinance of the Second Vatican Council, the Promotion Association for the Lawn Cross in Eisenberg explains that it applies itself fully to the final judgement of the church. Terms like “messages, apparitions” and the like hold the value of a human testimony on this website.
Information to copyright

All information of this website is made available as indicated without any claim on correctness, completeness or up-to-dateness. If it is not otherwise specifically given to be understood in this publication – for that matter in connection with any particular extract, data or with any particular document - everyone is entitled to have a look at same, to print it and to distribute it under the following conditions:
The document may be used only for non-commercial information purposes. Each copy of this document or a part of it must contain this copyright notice and the copyright protection symbol of the operator. The document, any copy of the document or a part of it may not be changed without the written agreement of the operator. The operator reserves the right to withdraw this permission at any time and all utilization must be ceased immediately as soon as a written announcement is published on the part of the operator.
Liability Limitations

Some links on the website lead to third-party websites, which are completely out of the control of the operator. Accordingly, the operator without having knowledge of a third-party link does not take on any responsibility for any changes in content or in presentation of any particular publication. The operator is only then responsible for third-party contents, whether the contents are of a favourable or a negative nature and when it is technically possible and reasonable to avert such utilization.